Cable News Host Quits to Become an Organic Farmer

By Natural Blaze

The firebrand MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan truly hoped to make a difference with his TV show. He took on the big banks, the Federal Reserve system and their crony politicians. But he realized the cable news format was little more than perpetuating an endless argument for the sake of argument.

So he quit to pursue a path that guarantees he's making a difference in the world for returning veterans, fresh food, and a local community.

Ratigan became an organic hydroponic farmer that hires and trains returning veterans and produces thousands of pounds of healthy food.

Ratigan says "There is more value in working with veterans to deploy a high technology hydroponic organic farming system than there was participating in a hollow political debate."

Here is a humorous look at Ratigan's new project by the Daily Show:

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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Description: Cable News Host Quits to Become an Organic Farmer
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: blogger
On: 12:46 PM