4 Healthy Benefits of Organic Gardening

By Mackenzie Kupfer

Organic gardening has become a staple in my lifestyle. The benefits of embracing organic gardening range from the health of the body, to the mind, to the ecosystem. Here are a couple of ways it’s benefited me and ways it could benefit you, too.

Avoiding Chemicals
There are harsh chemicals in most commercial pesticides, even in mulches and fertilizers. I tend to look to natural solutions to my pest problems, instead. You can purchase things like Neem oil or organic mulches- or you can use at-home approaches that save money. One of my favorite tips is to boil a solution of water, vinegar, and dish soap to pour over weeds instead of weed-killer: it will kill the plants you don’t want down to the roots for easy removal! There are myriad ways to safely and effectively manage your garden without putting undesirable chemicals into your food, your ground, or your water table. Organic gardening isn’t nearly as complicated as some fear it is!

Healthy Edibles
The best part of my garden is getting tasty treats! I grow herbs and vegetables to make delicious meals right in my own garden. Toss together a salad and roast some peppers over the fire pit to enjoy the fruits of your labor in the soul-nurturing company of your garden. I love going out in the late summer to pick beans off of the scaffold. Even better is to bake them in a casserole with herbs I grew in my window box. There’s something immensely satisfying about sitting down to a meal that you’ve provided for yourself, from seed to plate. I know exactly where my food has come from and I know exactly what chemicals are not in them.
The victuals you cultivate are also a source of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay strong. Peppers are a source of Vitamin C, great for healthy skin and gums. Squash provides dietary fiber, which is important for healthy digestion. Cabbage has a good amount of indole-3-carbinol, a molecule that can help your body repair DNA- maybe even prevent cancer! And there are gads more. For someone who believes in preventative medicine (as I do), a garden is a wealth of nutrition that keeps me in good repair.

Physical Activity
Being in the open air is under appreciated these days. Stepping outside and stretching my legs is an important part of my daily routine, a good habit I formed over years of gardening. Lifting plants, weeding, and pushing wheelbarrows of sod has kept me in good shape as I use muscles that are normally dormant in other activities. Soaking up the vitamin D that the sun offers is an added bonus!

I don’t mean to scare anyone away by saying so, but organic gardening has been more of a workout than non-organic. I find myself spending more time weeding than if I were to dump weed-poison around. I exert a good amount of energy gathering and hauling supplies for my compost heap and mulch. I think this is a good thing, a great thing, actually. The more I do in my garden, the better I sleep at night and the more invigorated I feel during the day.

Mental Fortitude
Inward calm is not to be underestimated. Out in the sunshine and quiet, I let my stresses dissipate. When I put on my gardening gloves and pick up a spade, I feel a definite sense of purpose. Knowing that I have tasks to accomplish makes my time in the garden significant. The cherry on top is the knowledge that I’m getting these benefits without harming my environment with chemicals that run into the soil and water.

My Nana taught me a long time ago that tending a garden is like caring for a friend. My friendly garden has given me many gifts: a healthy body, good habits, and peace of mind. I believe that every time you step foot in your organic garden, you’re making an investment towards your well being.

Mackenzie Kupfer is a gardener and freelance writer. She believes that the world would be a happier, healthier place if more people would pick up gardening.

Description: 4 Healthy Benefits of Organic Gardening
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On: 4:56 PM