5 Household Plants For A Purified House

by Mark DeNicola

Whether you live in a one-bedroom apartment or a 5-story mansion, the inclusion of plants throughout the house is an almost absolute necessity. Not only do they often aesthetically look wonderful, they also play a big role in improving the air quality within the space. At their core almost every plant will assist in the removal of carbon dioxide and the creation of oxygen, however several plants even go above and beyond this ‘normal’ call of duty.

Here are 5 of the many plants that are great to pot and let grow in your household. Feel free to add any other suggestions you may know through the comment section of the article as well.

Bamboo Palm

Normally never growing larger than 10 feet tall, the Bamboo Palm is an easy addition to almost any interior space. As a plant it is recognized as one of the best at filtering out benzene and trichloroethylene, both of which can regularly creep into living spaces. The bamboo palm is also great next to pieces of furniture that may be prone to off-gassing formaldehyde, another toxin it can naturally handle pretty well.

Peace Lily

The perfect fit for any laundry or bathroom, the peace lily specializes in the removal of mold spores. The plant itself does not require large amounts of water or sunlight to survive and even features often beautiful flowers that make it a decorative piece. In addition to mold, the plant is also known to remove formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

Chinese Evergreen

What truly makes the Chinese Evergreen cool is the development of its effectiveness. The more time the plant spends in a space, the more effective it becomes at removing the air pollutants and toxins of the area. Much like the Peace Lily it can happily exist in even a low-light setting and can often bloom and produce berries as well.

Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant is incredibly easy to grow and maintain, and like many of its counterparts is wonderful for filtering out air pollutants and toxins. However, what sets the Aloe Vera plant apart is the healing ability of the gel within each of its leaves. Rich in vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B12 and many more, the gel can effectively be used to help heal cuts and burns. Aloe has also been linked to assist with detoxification, alkalinity, digestion, the immune system, skin health and much more. It truly is a super plant that can even be easily grown in a small pot on a window sill.

Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)

Like its name suggests, the Rubber Plant is one tough character capable of surviving and thriving in much less light and lower temperatures than most plants of its size. Of all Ficus plants tested, it scored the best in removing toxins and pollutants from the inside of homes. It is especially tough on formaldehyde.

No matter your spacial or budgetary restrictions, take the time to look into adding plants within your living space. Even if a lot of their benefits are not easily quantifiable by the human eye, they are definitely an easy way to assist in keeping you and your family healthy.


Mark DeNicola joined Collective-Evolution in 2010, where this article first appeared. In addition to his work there,  he's also an actor. | E-mail: mark@collective-evolution.com | Website: www.mark-denicola.com | Twitter: @MarkDeNicola

Description: 5 Household Plants For A Purified House
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: blogger
On: 6:15 PM