Dear Doctor, Do You Really Know What Vaccines Contain?

by Sandy Lunoe

Doctor, you strongly recommend vaccines, so you should surely be able to tell us about the ingredients. No doubt you have studied the product information, so what is your opinion about secret and unknown substances in vaccines?

Doctor: I Do Not Know Which Secret Substances are Present in Vaccines.

Thank you, Doctor, for your honest answer.

You see, Doctor, we understand that vaccine manufacturers are protected by trade secrets and are not obliged to reveal all the ingredients in vaccines, even to doctors. These secret substances are termed “GRAS” (short for “Generally Recognized As Safe”). One of them is peanut oil:
The exact composition of vaccines cannot and will not be disclosed under an exemption that protects business information with the Access to Information Act in Canada and the Freedom of Information Act in the US. Similarly, trade secrets are also exempt under the British Freedom of Information Act. Thus the guidelines to label refined peanut oil/moral obligation to label peanut oil are in conflict with laws protecting trade secrets. Full disclosure of excipients was not and continues not to be general practice in the US or Canada. [1]
Doctor, do you find it acceptable that substances termed “Generally Recognized as Safe” when injected may, as in the case of peanut oil, cause life-threatening anaphylactic shock or lifelong allergies?

Why do you not show professional pride and sincere care for your patients by insisting that the presence of these secret ingredients be revealed?

No response, dear Doctor?

Do you know how much latex may be leached into vaccines?

Doctor: I Do Not Know How Much Latex is Present in Vaccines.

What do you think about these facts, Doctor?

According to WebMD: In the US, 1 – 5% of the population suffers from latex allergy.

One credible reason is that millions of children are injected with fluids containing latex allergens over and over again in connection with vaccination schedules.

The presence of latex allergens in vaccines is due to leaching into the fluids from syringe tip caps, plungers and multi-dose vial stoppers. Information can normally be found about which specific vaccines have latex in the packaging, but this is not dependable as manufacturers often change rubber stoppers, etc . [2]

It is also impossible to know the amount of latex allergens which has leached into vaccine fluids. Amounts may vary according to time and storage conditions.

When you puncture rubber stoppers of vaccine vials in connection with dose withdrawals, won’t there surely be many rubber particles released into the vaccine?

Doctor: I Do Not Know the Extent of Rubber Particles Present.

Well, we understand that the last doses in multi-dose vials contain the most particles of rubber.

You surely agree, Doctor, that particles in injections may result in serious health consequences for patients.

For interest, we contacted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ask about quality control of vial stoppers. We received this response:
To the best of my knowledge, there is no specific requirement for the manufacturer to count and identify particles after vaccine stoppers are punctured. [3]
Can you guarantee that vaccine doses contain equal amounts of virus allergen?

Doctor: I Do Not Know the Amounts of Virus Allergen Present in Each Dose.

True, Doctor. Nobody knows this.

Virus antigens in vaccines may be in the form of tiny particles invisible to the naked eye, which float in the vaccine fluid. [4] Irrespective of the shaking technique of the person who administers the injection and even if they measure the volume of fluid correctly from a multi-dose vial, it cannot be guaranteed that the correct strength or amount of virus antigen will be the same for each person in the vaccine line!

Are you aware that the last doses in multi-dose vials may contain the most mercury?

Doctor: I Do Not Know How Much Mercury is in Each Dose.

That is surely serious, Doctor.
… thimerosal (mercury preservative) tends to settle in the vial. If it is not shaken up before being drawn, the first dose will contain low concentrations of mercury and the last dose will contain enormously high concentrations. If your baby is the unlucky one that gets the last dose, serious brain injury can result. [5]
Did you know that there can be a microbial contamination rate of up to 27% in multi-dose vials and that this may result in serious health conditions for patients?

Doctor: I Do Not Know the Extent of Microbial Contamination.

Each time a dose is withdrawn, there is risk of microbial contamination of the vaccine, with the last doses being the most contaminated. Contamination comes from the air and surroundings and it can also be caused by the doctor or nurse who administers the vaccine. The more people who are present, the greater is the risk of contamination.
There is significant variation in user techniques associated with multi-dose vials, and faulty aseptic technique is the primary cause of vial contamination. 
Studies have demonstrated that the bacterial contamination rates of multiple-dose vials vary significantly… the contamination rate in published studies has been as low as 0% and as high as 27%. 
The preponderance of evidence that contaminated multi-dose vials have contributed significantly to morbidity and mortality must not be ignored. [6]
Doctor, what is your opinion about the presence of foreign DNA and prion proteins?

Doctor: I Do Not Know If the Vaccines I Recommend Contain Foreign DNA or Prions.

We do understand, doctor, because in fact nobody can know this.

Vaccines may contain foreign DNA from insect cells, yeast, mouse brains, tissue from pigs, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, calf lymph, hens’ eggs, chick embryos, monkey kidney and testicle cells, retinal cells, aborted human fetal tissue and cancer cells. [7] Vaccines may also contain prion proteins. [8]

Some substances are unexpectedly discovered as analysis methods become more advanced. There are many examples including SV40 in the polio vaccine [9], suspected of causing millions of cancer cases and pig DNA [10] in the rotavirus vaccine, both discovered long after the vaccines had been marketed.

The discovery by an independent expert of aluminum bound recombinant HPV DNA in Gardasil has unknown consequences which may be horrific. [11]

Doctor, are you also aware that FDA has approved for trials the use of cell lines derived from human cancer tumors for vaccine manufacture?

The meeting of the Advisory Committee is accessible in a webcast of several hours’ duration. [12]

From viewing the last session (part III) it is understood that:

It may not be possible to guarantee that these vaccines will be free from adventitious agents from the substrates, nor that they may not induce cancer or cancerous tumors in the recipients.


Please note, Doctor:

The committee suggested that to avoid public anxiety, the information about vaccine production from human cancer tumors be omitted from package inserts. It was also decided that a special committee meeting be held to discuss how to present the information to doctors concerning vaccine production from human cancer tumors, so that they may feel comfortable about the issue.

Doctor, you have confirmed that you do not know what vaccines contain when you administer them to your patients. The truth is that nobody knows, not even the manufacturers.

Consequently, you will no doubt agree that you are unable to provide us with information about vaccines which is both relevant and adequate for us to be able to make an informed choice.

Thank you for your time. How much is the bill?














This article first appeared at Vactruth

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Description: Dear Doctor, Do You Really Know What Vaccines Contain?
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