Do You Believe More Vaccines or Better Nutrition Prevents Disease?
The National Institutes of Health recently announced an expansion of its funding of nine Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units with an annual budget of $135 million dollars of government money. Each of the nine research centers can compete with each year for the next seven years for a portion of this funding. [1]
The effort to decrease disease outbreaks by increasing the funding of vaccine studies is misguided. Financial and medical resources could be better spent focusing on the underlying causes of illnesses. Functional medicine has established that most diseases are caused by nutritional deficiencies and toxic overload, which together suppresses the immune system, making one susceptible to disease. [2]
Vaccines Decrease Immune System Functioning and Fail to Prevent Disease
The National Institutes of Health established Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units in 1962 to conduct hundreds of vaccination clinical trials. The VTEUs include Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital, Duke Medicine, Atlanta’s Emory University, the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle, Saint Louis University, the University of Iowa, Baltimore’s University of Maryland and Nashville’s Vanderbilt University. Clinical vaccine trials involve the following diseases: influenza, pneumonia, pertussis, haemophiles influenzae Type B infection, cholera, anthrax, malaria, tuberculosis, childhood vaccines and combination vaccines. [3]
While the idea that vaccinations can safely prevent disease is an attractive one, unfortunately research and data do not support this theory. Ironically, the actual impact of vaccinations is to increase one’s exposure to dangerous toxins and poisons, which weakens the immune system, making one more susceptible to disease.
Renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock has established that vaccinations decrease cellular immunity which is critical for fighting diseases. Vaccinations have been shown to increase the antibodies for a particular targeted disease for a limited length of time. Scientists mistakenly equate this increase in antibody creation to immunity from disease. Unfortunately, increasing antibodies has never been proven to be effective in reducing disease likelihood. [4]
Population studies universally show that vaccinated populations experience more disease outbreaks than those with no vaccinations. In a 1992 New Zealand study comparing 226 vaccinated to 229 unvaccinated children, the results overwhelmingly showed that the unvaccinated children suffered far less from chronic childhood illnesses including tonsillitis, sleep apnea, hyperactivity, ear infections, and epilepsy.
A 2011 German study of 8,000 unvaccinated children, with medical documentation from birth to age nineteen, showed vaccinated children have at least two to five times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children. [5]
Vaccinations have never been proven to prevent illness and are, in reality, one of the greatest medical myths in existence. Research comparing unvaccinated to vaccinated children consistently show that unvaccinated children enjoy better health compared to those vaccinated.
In addition, when there are outbreaks of diseases such as whooping cough, studies show that the majority of those with the disease have received immunizations for the illness. This data provides additional evidence that vaccines do not provide immunity to disease.
Vaccines Injure and Kill
Vaccinations, which promise immunity from disease, have been shown to injure and kill those receiving them. A 2013 search of the National Vaccination Information Center database showed that 52,835 negative reactions were reported for the DtaP vaccine alone. [6]
An examination of the HPV vaccination shows that by 2012, there were 119 reports of death from the HPV vaccine, along with 894 cases of disability and 9,889 documented emergency room visits.
Regarding the Hepatitis B vaccine, as of March 2012, there were 66,554 reports of serious adverse reactions to the vaccine, along with 1,500 deaths, including those officially reported as sudden infant death syndrome. [7] This data is just a sampling of the many vaccines in use at the present time.
How the Vaccine “Myth” Began
Edward Jenner is given “credit” by many as being the first to experiment with small pox vaccinations. He first did this experiment with an eight year-old boy named James Phipps on May 14, 1776. He then repeated the procedure on several other children.
Convinced of his success, he persuaded George III that his vaccine would protect individuals from small pox. The king awarded Jenner community money to be used to inoculate the public. The money awarded was comparable to half a million dollars today. From that point onward, a group of zealous paid vaccinators continued the practice up until the present time. It proved to be a very profitable industry.
Small pox vaccinations were actually shown to increase the likelihood of small pox outbreaks. The Smallpox Hospital in London reported a steady, alarming increase in smallpox incidents after the established practice of immunizations. The incidence of smallpox began at five percent at the beginning of the century, rising to 44 percent in 1845, 64 percent in 1855, 78 percent in 1865, 90 percent in 1875 and 96 percent in 1885.
There were more cases of small pox and more deaths from small pox after compulsory vaccinations occurred. From 1850-1869, the mean annual mortality rate from small pox for 10,000 individuals was at the rate of 2.04, whereas after compulsory vaccination in 1871, the death rate was 10.24.
In the 1800s, the small pox vaccine caused many diseases including syphilis, tuberculosis, and leprosy. In 1867, M. Depaul, the chief of the Vaccination Service of the French Academy of Medicine, published an essay on the dangers of syphilitic infection through vaccination, describing the infection of 160 children with it.
Dr. A. Wilder, Professor of Pathology and former editor of the New York Medical Times, reported in 1901 that “vaccination is the infusion of a contaminating element into the system, and after such contamination you can never be sure of regaining the former purity of the body. Consumption (TB) follows in the wave of vaccination as certainly as effect follows cause.”
Despite the statistics and evidence against small pox vaccination success, the pro-vaccinators continued to support their stance and continue to do so today. The practice was too lucrative to give up. After a disastrous small pox epidemic in 1872, a Royal Commission on Vaccination was appointed in 1889 to examine the situation. Seven years and 136 meetings later, in spite of the significant evidence of small pox vaccine failure, the committee concluded with the falsehood that the small pox vaccine prevents small pox.
Dr. Maclean, a well-known medical authority at that time, recommended that the pro-vaccinators disprove the numerous facts against vaccines, but also recognized that the practice of vaccines was too profitable to discontinue. He understood that profits and greed would trump the obvious failure of vaccinations. [8] Nothing has changed in the world of vaccines, except the situation has become worse through the exponential growth in the number of mandated vaccination in this country.

This change in diagnosis criteria had the effect of reducing the number of polio cases reported. Diagnostic changes, statistical manipulations and treatment improvements were responsible for any reduced number of reported polio incidents, not the creation of the vaccine. [9]
Vaccine graphs also show that polio outbreaks were reduced in many countries prior to the introduction of the vaccine, along with other illnesses which vaccines took credit for eradicating. [10] In reality, improvements in sanitation were responsible for disease reduction.
Nutrition Important to Prevent Disease
Unfortunately, there is no 100 percent safeguard against disease and there are unfortunate deaths and suffering caused from illnesses. If vaccinations were safe and effective, they would be a welcomed medical intervention, but neither claim holds true.
One important way to prevent disease is to build up one’s immune system through an improved diet. Eating nutrient-dense foods instead of processed, junk food is critical to health.
Following the dietary principles of the Weston Price Foundation is one way to greatly increase the nutritional content of food. Dentist Weston A. Price, in his remarkable ten-year study in the 1930s, discovered through meticulous observation that endemic cultures, who ate foods high in fat and water soluble vitamins, exemplified perfect mental and physical health. These cultures were immune from the diseases of their time including tuberculosis, as long as they maintained their nutrient dense diets.
For those individuals who adopted the modern processed foods, including white flour, sugar, oil and canned vegetables, immunity to disease was quickly lost. Natives adopting a processed food diet quickly developed tuberculosis and suffered terribly from the symptoms of this disease. [11]
Modern research has backed up the Price dietary recommendations. Researcher Graham and physician Ramsey in The Happiness Diet recommend a diet remarkably similar to the Price diet with high fats and low carbohydrates, including foods from pastured animals fed an organic diet. [12, 13] Nutrient-dense foods include pastured raw organic milk, butter, yogurt, kefir, cheese, eggs, home-made meat or fish broth, liver, fat and meat from pastured animals, soaked organic grains and nuts, fermented foods, and organic vegetables and fruit. [14]
Regardless of one’s dietary specifics and preferences, avoiding processed foods is essential. Limiting toxic exposures in food, water and air is also important. Processed, packaged foods contain dangerous genetically modified organisms, dyes, artificial sweeteners, MSG, flavor enhancers, aluminum, and preservatives which all damage health. [15,16, 17]
How to Avoid Metal Toxicity
Metal toxicity is another large contributor to a weakened immune system. Major sources of metal toxicity including mercury and aluminum from vaccinations, processed foods, and mercury dental fillings.
Avoiding vaccinations is an essential step to take to preserve health. Vaccinations are loaded with toxins, including heavy metals mercury and aluminum which are injected directly into the bloodstream, limiting the body’s ability to detoxify. Mercury and aluminum have been linked with brain damage and inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. Mercury is considered a toxic substance that must be removed and handled carefully and yet is injected into babies and vulnerable adults with compromised immune systems. [18,19,20]
Dentists continue to use mercury and other incompatible dental fillings, although the evidence is overwhelmingly against their safety. Mercury vapor from dental fillings continues to leach into one’s body, causing toxicity and damaging health. The American Dental Association continues to falsely claim mercury dental amalgams are safe and do not damage health. [21]
Biological or holistic dentists are trained to avoid and safely remove mercury dental fillings and have witnessed remarkable health benefits as a result. These dentists are also trained to use compatible, safe fillings for cavities when needed. [22]
Even better, if one follows the dietary principles of Weston Price, dental cavities can be avoided. A special protocol that increases the fat soluble vitamins of the Price diet has been shown to reverse dental cavities. [23]
Aluminum can be found in the following food sources: baking powder, buffered aspirin, bleached flour, baby formula, and processed baked goods. Aluminum cookware and cosmetics are other large sources of aluminum. [24]

Metal toxicity can be screened for by a hair analysis. More accurate testing can be done by a holistic physician through urine chelation testing. Once metal toxicity is established, the prescription chelation drug DMSA can be used to remove heavy metal poisoning.
Natasha McBride, author of the GAPS diet, recommends juicing as a safe way to reduce metals in the body. [25] Several other herbs and supplements are available that can help to safely remove heavy metals from the body.
Tremendous government financial and medical resources are wasted on the development of more vaccinations to prevent diseases. No research has proven the effectiveness of vaccinations in preventing illness. Overwhelming evidence exists to show vaccines are dangerous to health and contribute to illness, injury and death.
To prevent disease, one should avoid vaccinations, mercury dental fillings and toxic food. Following a nutrient-dense diet of whole, organic foods and removing toxic metals from the body are the best avenues to try and prevent illness and enhance health.
- Blaylock, Russell. Outsmarting…And Beating…Infections: The Blaylock Wellness Report. Vol.9,Nol. 4. April 2012.
- Morrell,Sally; Cowan,Thomas. (2013). The Nourishing Tradition Book of Baby and Childcare. Pp. 112. Washington, D.C: New Trends Publishing, Inc.
- Price, Weston A. (2009). Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. 8th Edition. La Mesa, CA: the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. Print.
- Graham, Tyler. (2011). The Happiness Diet. Rodale, NY, NY: Rodale.
- Nagel, Ramiel. (2011). Cure Tooth Decay. Los Gatos, CA: Golden Child Publishing.
- McBride, Natasha. (2009). Gut and Psychology Syndrome. Amersham, Buckinghamshire: Halstan Printing Group.
This article first appeared at VacTruth