New Information Dissolves Illusions About Vaccines — And They’re All Illusions

by Jennifer Hutchinson

There’s a new book out. It’s called Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History. The biggest illusion is quite simple and is the basis for the entire book and what the book ultimately proves. Before I continue, answer this true-or-false question:

Throughout history, vaccines have been responsible for the eradication of all or most infectious diseases.

If you said false, you are correct. Vaccines were not responsible for the eradication of all or most infectious diseases.

Another question.

True or false: Clean water, nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation were responsible for the eradication of all or most infectious diseases.

This is true, which Dissolving Illusions clearly shows. This single fact makes the following question easy to answer.

True or false: The vaccine program in this country is based on a false premise.

Absolutely true. Really think about this. Diseases like smallpox, pertussis, cholera, and measles all but vanished before the introduction of any vaccine. Therefore, vaccines could not have been responsible for the eradication of the diseases.

But wait. I was told my whole life that vaccines are absolutely necessary to protect us from awful diseases. How can it not be true?

It’s Basic History 101

In the 1800s and 1900s, many people in the United States lived in poverty and filth. In small, overcrowded, dark houses with rats, roaches, mosquitoes, and other vermin. Streets were filled with sewage and garbage and dead animals—often as much as two to three feet deep in places like New York City. Food and drinking water were diseased.

People were malnourished. They didn’t have clean running water and flush toilets. When they became sick, they ended up in hospitals that were also dirty and unsanitary, lacking in basic hygiene such as handwashing and instrument sterilization and isolating the sick.

Many worked long hours in dirty, unsafe conditions, without fresh air, exercise, and rest. Even children labored to the point of illness and sometimes death. Epidemics were rampant, with millions dying from diseases like typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, measles, yellow fever, tuberculosis, puerperal fever, and smallpox. Mortality was high, and life expectancy was low.

This is the forgotten history. This is what was responsible for the spread of disease. This is the truth.

Then came the Sanitation Revolution. Everything changed. Sewage and waste was properly disposed of. Clean drinking water was mandated. Food was inspected and handled properly so it was no longer contaminated. Milk was pasteurized. Labor laws were passed to protect workers. Basic hygiene was implemented. The world was a cleaner, safer place.

Another piece of the forgotten history is the lost remedies. Vitamins, cinnamon, garlic, echinacea, jicama, fresh juice, apple cider vinegar, cod liver oil, silver, and other natural supplements were used to treat infectious diseases. And guess what? They worked very well.

The result? By 1940, measles, scarlet fever, pertussis, and diphtheria were practically a thing of the past. Scarlet fever—a bigger killer—vanished by the early 1900s, even before antibiotics were used to treat it. Tuberculosis, pneumonia, flu … same thing. Almost gone. When they surfaced, they were much milder. Mortality was rare. That’s a fact.

And this is important. This happened during a time when there was an almost zero vaccination rate.

How Can Such a Fundamental Truth be Forgotten (Or Ignored)?

As far back as the 1700s, although vaccines were being pushed, numerous medical journals questioned their safety and effectiveness. They cited the statistics. The mortality rates. The fact that they could be contaminated and often led to more disease than they prevented.

As Dissolving Illusions explores, questioning vaccines was not without consequences. Doctors who spoke out were ignored and sometimes threatened. Parents who refused to obey vaccination laws were prosecuted, fined, and even imprisoned. Eventually, there were protests. And eventually, the laws began to change.
Unfortunately, the flawed belief that vaccines and other medical advances were responsible for this amazing decline has dictated how infectious diseases are treated today. Instead of an emphasis on hygiene, nutrition, and appropriate vitamin supplementation, immune system support, and natural remedies, the emphasis is always on costly antibiotics, vaccinations, and other medical procedures. (pp. 220–221)
Here’s another fact. People who have healthy immune systems—because of basic necessities like sanitation, hygiene, clean water, and nutrition—are able to fight diseases. Vaccines do not cause immunity to disease and, in fact, harm the immune system. What makes you immune to a disease? The disease.

Fear is a powerful motivator. The thought of a child coming down with a “dreaded disease” is scary. Consider the story of polio that the book covers at length. The pictures of children in iron lungs—that frightening reminder of the crippling effects of the disease.

But what is missing, what we aren’t told, is that people who were crippled and paralyzed often suffered from something else, such as DDT or arsenic poisoning or even syphilis. We also aren’t told that polio was never eradicated with a vaccine.

The irony is that the very existence of a vaccine makes the fear greater. If there is a vaccine to prevent the disease, the disease must be pretty scary.

And those who promote vaccines cover all the bases.
When vaccine programs don’t live up to their promises, the blame is always placed on the unvaccinated, or a new angle is drawn to the tune of ‘five vaccines per child may not be enough.’ By sleight of hand—changing the diagnosis of old-time polio to AFP [acute flaccid paralysis]—any ongoing paralysis will be covered while the dimes continue to roll in. (p. 289)

Even if you believe vaccines are safe, Dissolving Illusions should make it crystal clear that they are not necessary. If they are not necessary, why do our children receive more than four dozen by the time they go to school?

There are only so many possible explanations. I suppose some doctors still believe in them. After all, they’ve been indoctrinated since they first set foot in medical school. Big Pharma is a powerful—not to mention rich—force. And I guess it’s possible that the FDA, CDC, and other agencies believe the “studies” they see quoted. After all, the statistics are skewed to say whatever the authors want them to say. It’s also possible that some doctors don’t believe in vaccines and don’t vaccinate their own children but keep quiet.

How many times have you heard your doctor say, “Vaccines prevent horrible diseases and sometimes death?” I know that, until my grandson Jake regressed into autism from rabies vaccines, I believed wholeheartedly in vaccines. I believed everything I read about all those horrible, deadly diseases and dutifully took my daughters for their vaccines when they were little. I couldn’t wait to get my flu shot every fall. I accepted it all without question. I never had a reason to question it. Until my family suffered the indescribable agony of watching Jake disappear into a black hole.

Don’t let your child developing autism or suffering any injury after a vaccine be your reason to question the safety of the vaccine program. Do it now. Read Dissolving Illusions. If you don’t do anything else, look at the graphs. (You can see these on the web site, Consider the history. The science. Not someone’s opinion, but the facts. This book is the result of 20 years of research. It presents the truth.

Remember this: There is no evidence to support the theory that vaccines are necessary, and “safety” studies are absent or flawed. Doctors have pushed vaccines since the 1700s, but they have yet to study vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. If they are so sure their vaccines are effective and necessary and safe, why haven’t they done this study to put parents’ minds to rest? The answer is simple. They don’t need to do the study. They already know the truth. They don’t want us to know it.

Draw your own conclusions. And be willing to accept the fact that what you’ve been told all your life and believed without question just might not be true. Your child’s health and life depends on it. He depends on you to make informed, healthy, safe decisions. He can’t do it himself.

Do your child a favor. Read Dissolving Illusions.


Suzanne Humphries, MD, and Roman Bystrianyk. Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, July 27, 2013.

This article first appeared at VacTruth

Description: New Information Dissolves Illusions About Vaccines — And They’re All Illusions
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