This “Free” Vaccine Can Cause Brain Damage and Death

Propaganda from Authorities Promises Protection

by Michelle Goldstein

According to a front page article of the St. Louis Post Dispatch, dated July 17, 2013, Missourians are being offered a free Tdap vaccine in July to protect them against the reported rising incidence of pertussis or “whooping cough.” The vaccine is being offered to residents aged 11 and older. [1]

It is reported that “the Tdap vaccine is a single vaccination that prevents tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis.” The cause of the rising incidence of whooping cough is reported to be related to the vaccine wearing off if given more than ten years earlier. According to the report, more than 41,000 pertussis cases occurred across the United States in 2012, compared to 18,719 cases in 2011.

The news story emphasized that whooping cough is highly dangerous and can lead to vomiting and death, especially in children. The report indicates that diphtheria is a bacterial disease that is highly contagious and can also lead to death.

Tetanus causes intense muscle spasms, according to the article.

This news piece fails to report on the serious health risks associated with the Tdap vaccinations, the relatively benign health complications commonly associated with these diseases, along with the important fact that vaccines have never been proven to prevent any disease.

Real Risk of Disease is Low

The risks that whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus pose to health are low compared to the potential, serious dangers reported as a result of this vaccine. Whooping cough can be treated successfully through a vitamin C protocol developed by Dr. Suzanne Humphries which has been shown to greatly reduce symptoms. [2]

In contrast, antibiotic treatments, given routinely by conventional, allopathic physicians to treat whooping cough, have never been shown to positively impact the course of the illness. Regardless of treatment received, most people recover completely from the whooping cough, giving them lifelong immunity to the disease. If they do become re-infected, subsequent courses of the illness are quite mild.

Tetanus can be prevented by thoroughly washing and cleaning the area of infection. [3] The risk of contracting tetanus is quite low. Only 233 cases of tetanus were reported to the Center for Disease Control between 2001 and 2008. [4] The incidence of tetanus declined by more than 95% between 1947 and 2008. [5]

Diptheria is a very low risk disease, not widely seen in the United States since an outbreak in the 1970’s. Between 1980 and 2010, 55 cases of diphtheria were reported to the Center for Disease Control.[6]

Dangers of Tdap Vaccine Include Proven Brain Damage and Death

Health consequences resulting from the Tdap vaccine include encephalitis, brain damage and death. A comprehensive report made by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) documents clearly the widespread health dangers associated with the Tdap vaccine. [7] Tdap and DTap vaccines are currently used in the United States, replacing the DTP vaccine in 1996, but all three vaccines contain the dangerous pertussis toxin with unsafe additives. [8]

As early as 1933, T. Madren reported that two babies died within minutes of vaccination with DPT. A study published in Pediatrics in 1981 revealed that children were experiencing brain damage as a direct result of the DPT vaccines. Research done by the Institute of Medicine in the 1990’s confirmed that the DPT vaccines were responsible for brain damage. The pertussis toxin, aluminum, mercury and endotoxin contained in the DPT vaccines have been well-documented through scientific studies to cause permanent brain damage. [9]

A search of the National Vaccine Information Center incidence reports for the DTap vaccine alone on July 21, 2013 showed 52,835 negative reactions were submitted. [10] A 7/21/13 review of the reactions to the Tdap vaccine indicated 20,179 negative reactions. [11]

As of August 2012, half of the 2,982 awards under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which totaled almost $2.5 billion dollars, were made to those damaged by the Tdap, DTap or DPT vaccines. Currently children in the U.S. routinely receive 6 dosages of the DTap or Tdap vaccine at ages 2, 4, 6 months, 15-18 months, 4-6 years and at age 12. [12]

No Evidence Supports Dtap Vaccines Prevent Disease, But There is Proof of Damage

Incidence of whooping coughs in vaccinated populations disproves the “theory” that vaccines prevent disease. Repeatedly, when there is an outbreak of whooping cough, population studies show that the majority of those who contract the illness are vaccinated. No actual research has ever shown that vaccines prevent disease, only that vaccines increase antibodies to a particular disease. [13]

Renowned neurologist Dr. Russell Blaylock has done extensive research demonstrating that vaccines decrease cellular immunity, which is more important than antibodies in fighting disease. [14] Studies comparing the health of children vaccinated to those unvaccinated consistently demonstrate superior health of unvaccinated children. [15]

Vaccinations inject poisons and toxins into the body, without allowing the body to eliminate the toxins through a cell-mediated immune response, which is critical for the elimination of these toxins. The result is often chronic disease, serious life-threatening reactions or death. The long term health consequences of injecting foreign substances and toxins directly into one’s bloodstream are unknown and have never been studied adequately.

Health Benefits of Naturally Occurring Diseases

Lifelong immunity to disease can only be achieved by naturally contracting illnesses, not by immunizations. For most benign childhood illnesses such as chickenpox and whooping cough, natural exposure to a disease can be beneficial to long-term health.

The cell-mediated reaction that occurs during a natural illness allows removal of the disease organism, along with other waste products in the body through diarrhea, rash, mucus, coughing and fever. Natural illness serves as a clean-up of the body. Many health benefits are claimed, including a stronger immune system, as a result of the body naturally fighting childhood diseases.

While whooping cough is uncomfortable, most individuals will recover from it with no long-term consequences and the body will end up being stronger than it was prior to the illness.


It is quite typical for mass media to be biased, incomplete, and uninformed when reporting on the subject of vaccinations. Even the editorial section of major newspapers are often one-sided in their reporting, failing to print opposing viewpoints to the widespread vaccination propaganda.

Unless individuals do their own research, they will be victims of the continued media propaganda and scare tactics used to promote vaccinations. Once toxins are unnaturally injected into the bloodstream, the known and unknown damage cannot be easily undone.

To Learn More

For more information about the myths surrounding whooping cough, please read this fact sheet from the National Vaccine Information Center.




3. Neustaedter, Randall, 2002. The Vaccine Guide. P. 263. North Atlantic Books: Berkeley, California.











14. Blaylock, Russell. Outsmarting … And Beating … Infections: The Blaylock Wellness Report.Vol. 9, No. 4. April 2012.

15. Morrell, Sally; Cowan, Thomas. 2013. The Nourishing Tradition Book of Baby and Childcare. Pp. 112. New Trends Publishing, Inc.: Washington, D.C.

This article first appeared at VacTruth

Michelle Goldstein, MSW, LCSW, is a mental health therapist who incorporates holistic approaches into her counseling practice. She is a mother who found healing in the realm of alternative medicine for her daughter diagnosed with an “incurable disease.” Her two-year search involved tremendous research, experimentation, and consultation with over 12 different holistic practitioners.

Her daughter became ill after receiving the HPV vaccine series. After tremendous research on the subject of vaccines, she has concluded that vaccines damage health. Michelle is now passionate about alternative health care and the politics which impact it.

She is a writer for and has completed the first manuscript of a comprehensive book on holistic health. She can be found and

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Description: This “Free” Vaccine Can Cause Brain Damage and Death
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